
حفاری فراساحلی

مجموعه ماشین حفاری و دستگاه هایی که به منظور حفاری و استخراج نفت به سطح زمین استفاده می شود.

offshore drilling
There are various types of underwater oil drilling installations;the one used depends on the location of the deposit and the depth of the water.
drill ship
Ship for drilling for oil in deep water (3,300 ft and more);it is more mobile but less stable than a semisubmersible or jack-up platform.
semisubmersible platform
Movable structure that is anchored to the seabed and used at depths of 350 to 1,650 ft;it is mounted on pontoons submerged at about 100 ft to provide stability.
fixed platform
Structure that is mainly used at moderate depths (up to 1,300 ft);it rests on the seabed on pillars buried deep in the sea floor.
Structure that extends into the sea from a land-based installation;it is used for land drilling extending offshore (about 10 ft deep).
emergency support vessel
Floating structure equipped with specialized equipment;it is used for rescue operations on drilling rigs.
jack-up platform
Movable structure that is used in shallow water (between 65 and 330 ft);it is raised above sea level on retractable pillars resting on the ocean floor.
دانلود نرم افزار اینترسکت Intersect 2022.1 شبیه ساز مخزن

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