RezabBehzadi<br><br><div class='font12'>(رضابهزادی)</font>




موقعیت: فیروزآباد، فارس
گروه های کاربری: عضو عادی

کارشناسی مهندسی شیمی از دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد فیروزآباد (1397 تا 1400)
کارشناسی مهندسی شیمی از دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد فیروزآباد (1397 تا 1400)

"Experimental investigation of the kinetics properties of the nano crude oil in a vertical line" در MED Crave (1399)
سایر نویسندگان: Reza behzadi, farshad farahbod
In this study, experiments are designed to investigate the effects of ultrasonic zinc oxide
nanoparticles on the properties of crude oil flow. The rheological and thermal properties of
the crude oil containing nanoparticles were investigated in vitro. The nanoparticles were
prepared by ultrasonic method in crude oil. Experiments were carried out in a hot tube
for plain oil and nanoparticles containing zinc oxide. The effect of temperature changes,
addition of nanoparticles and tube length on the values of friction coefficient, velocity,
conductivity coefficient, overall heat transfer coefficient, thermal diffusion coefficient
and kinematic viscosity were investigated. For nano oil (containing 1wt.% Zinc oxide)
Reynolds number decreased to 0.99 initial value, Prandtl number decreased to 0.951 initial
value, Peclet number increased to 0.94 initial value.
Keywords: rheology crude oil, heat properties, ultra-sonic, nano particles
"Empirical Investigation of Treatment of Sour Gas by Novel Technology: Introduction of a Novel Method for Optimization of Energy and Process" در AIS (1399)
سایر نویسندگان: Edris Fotoohi , Reza Behzadi , Masoud Bahador , Farshad Farahbod
The sour gas sweetening is one of the main processes in gas industrials. Since the gas sweetening is performed through
chemical, so it needs high cost and energy. Therefore, Nano fluid and magnetic field were used in this research for sour gas
desulfurization. The mechanism of hydrogen sulphide absorption using nano fluid in filled bed under magnetic field was
investigated in this study. The current study was performed as laboratorial using mathematical model for finding the rate of
sulphur in exhaust gas flow. Therefore, some related parameters for sulphur rate such as mass transfer rate and mass transfer
coefficient and effective rate of mass transfer and effective coefficient of mass transfer were investigated in this research.
Increasing the amount of zinc oxide nanoparticles increases the percentage of sulphur removal per unit volume of time in vitro
and theory. Increasing the amount of nanoparticles of zinc oxide from 0 to about 0.013% by volume increases the percentage
of removal of sulphur per unit volume of time by about 6%. Also, increasing the amount of nanoparticles of zinc oxide from
about 0.013 to 0.1% by volume will increase the percentage of removal of sulphur per unit volume of time by about 10.85%.
The empirical results show the increase in trend in the amount of sulphur removal per unit time with increasing nano
concentration. The experimental results prove that the presence of magnetic field can improve the sweetening process, severely.
This value for the determined operating conditions is about 17%

مهارت ها
"ICDL" در سطح متوسط

نرم افزار ها
نرم افزار "Windows, IT, word, Excel, power point, access " در سطح متوسط

توجه: اطلاعات روزمه افراد بر اساس اظهار خودشان است و مورد راستی آزمایی قرار نگرفته است.
اطلاعات عضویت

کد عضویت : ۱۵۲۲۰۰
تاریخ عضویت : ۱۳۹۹/۱۲/۰۱
آخرین فعالیت : ۱۳۹۹/۱۲/۰۴
تاریخ تولد : ۱۳۷۸/۰۹/۰۴
مطالب ارسال شده : ۰
تشکر های دریافت کرده : ۰

پیام متنی : ارسال پیام
شماره تماس : پنهان

بازدید کنندگان پروفایل

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