نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 23 نتیجه یافت شده برای mg:
n: a leading national industry organisation established to disseminate scientific and technical ideas and data in the field of geology as it relates to oil and natural gas exploration and production. Its official publications are the AAPG Bulletin and the AAPG Explorer: Address: P.O. Box 979;Tulsa, OK 74101;(918) 584-2555.
conditions where concentration is very low, usually less than 0.1 mg/liter of water.
n: water that contains relatively low concentrations of soluble salts. Brackish water is saltier than fresh water but not as salty as salt water.
n: The water which contains lesser salt, including hard water whose pH is from 7 to 9. Usually the content of chloride is less than 18970g/L. It comes from coastal waters, bay, variole or inland lake. This kind of water contain more Ca2+ and Mg2+. We should
indefinite term meaning water with small amounts of salt. Saltier than fresh water.
n: The component is Mg(OH)2, usually containing Fe and Mn. White, sometimes light green. See magnesium hydroxide.
n: a chemical combination of calcium, magnesium, carbon, and oxygen, CaMgCO3. It is the main constituent of dolomite. Compare calcium carbonate.
n: a type of sedimentary rock similar to limestone but containing more than 50 percent magnesium carbonate;sometimes a reservoir rock for petroleum.
n: A kind of natural compound whose can be expressed by CaCO3.MgCO3
calcium/magnesium carbonate rock. Dolomite is formed by chemical modification of a limestone.
n: MgCl2 *6H2O, white, air slake single crystal. It tastes bitter and soluble to water and alcohol.
n: Mg(OH)2, a kinds of weak base, often used clay progression agent.
n: MgO, a kinds of alkaline metal oxide.
abbr: milligram.