نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 125 نتیجه یافت شده برای elev:
n: 1. a derrick or crane shaped like the letter A and used to handle heavy loads. 2. an A-shaped openwork structure that is the stationary and supporting component of the mast of a jackknife rig and to which the mast is anchored when it is in an upright or drilling position. 3. the uppermost section of a standard derrick, shaped like the letter A and used as a support in lifting objects such as the crown block to the water table.
n: A kind of "A" frame gin pole, used to elevate heavy object.
n: a title opinion based on a complete abstract of title and other relevant documents. Compare stand- up title opinion.
زاویه ی ارتفاع
n: a cylindrical steel bar (similar to the handle or bail of a bucket, only much larger) that supports the swivel and connects it to the hook. Sometimes, the two cylindrical bars that support the elevators and attach them to the hook are called bails or links. v: to recover bottomhole fluids, samples, or drill cuttings by lowering a cylindrical vessel called a bailer to the bottom of a well, filling it, and retrieving it.
n: A rounded steel bar that supports the swivel and connects it to the hook. May also apply to the steel bars that connect the elevators to the hook (links).
remove solids or fluids from a well.
تمیز کاری کردن
n: A kind of cementing. Send the slurry into the well through drill pipe or pump of oil tube till the surface of the annular is equal to the surface in the pipe, then elevates drill pipe or oil tube and put the cement plug in the former place.
base flange elevation.
bottom hole televiewer – a sonic caliper tool, not a television.
n: any assembly of pulleys on a common framework;in mechanics. one or more pulleys. or sheaves. mounted to rotate on a common axis. The crown block is an assembly of sheaves mounted on beams at the top of the derrick or mast. The drilling line is reeved over the sheaves of the crown block alternately with the sheaves of the travelling block. which is hoisted and lowered in the derrick or mast by the drilling line. When elevators are attached to a hook on a conventional travelling block. and when drill pipe is latched in the elevators. the pipe can be raised or lowered in the derrick or mast. See crown block, travelling block.
جعبه قرقره
a set of formation blocks, separated by normal faults into different elevations.
adj: supercharged. See supercharge. blown oil n: fatty oil the viscosity of which has been increased by blowing air through it at an elevated temperature.
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