کلمه choke یافت شد:
n: a device with an orifice installed in a line to restrict the flow of fluids. Surface chokes are part of the Christmas tree on a well and contain a choke nipple, or bean. with a small-diameter bore that serves to restrict the flow. Chokes are also used to control the rate of flow of the drilling mud out of the hole when the well is closed in with the blow-out preventer and a kick is being circulated out of the hole. See adjustable choke. bottomhole choke. positive choke.
n: A device incorporating an orifice that is used to control fluid flow rate or downstream system pressure. Chokes are available in several configurations for both fixed and adjustable modes of operation. Adjustable chokes enable the fluid flow and pressure
a device used to create a controlled pressure drop and allow some expansion of the gas. A choke holds a back pressure on the well fluids, controlling the expansion rate of the gas. It is useful for optimizing natural gas lift in oil wells with sufficient
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