نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 10 از 12 نتیجه یافت شده برای acid gas:
n: a gas that forms an acid when mixed with water. In petroleum production and processing, the most common acid gases are hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide. Both cause corrosion, and hydrogen sulphide is very poisonous.
n: The mixture made by gas and water presents acidity. The gas is acid gas. The usual acid gases are hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide in oil and gas drilling. Both of them are acrid and hydrogen sulphide is very toxic.
any produced gas, primarily H2S and CO2 that form an acid when produced in water.
گاز اسیدی
v: The natural gas which is consisted of a number of hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide kick
n: a chemical family of specific organic compounds, including monoethanolamine (MEA),diethanolamine (OEA),and triethanolamine (TEA). These chemicals, and proprietary mixtures containing them and other amines, are used extensively for the removal of hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide from other gases and are particularly adapted for obtaining the low acid gas residuals that are usually specified by pipelines.
n: a continuous operation liquid process for removing acid gas from natural gas by using chemical absorption with subsequent heat addition to strip the acid gas components from the absorbent solution.
n: a colourless, odourless gaseous compound of carbon and oxygen, A product of combustion and a filler for fire extinguishers, this heavier-than-air gas can collect in low-lying areas, where it may displace oxygen and present the hazard of anoxia.
a colorless gas. Corrosive when occurring with water. An acid gas. The most common cause of corrosion in the oil industry.
n: a treating system using diethanolamine (DEA) for reduction of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, carbonyl sulfide, and other acid gases from sour process streams.
n: a process for removing the bulk of acid gases from a gas stream by contacting the stream with a water solution of potassium carbonate at a temperature in the range of 220.F to 240.F (104.C to 116�C).
n: 1.A toxic, colorless gas that is odorless at high concentrations but smells like rotten eggs in low concentrations. Hydrogen sulfide is produced during the decomposition of organic matter and occurs with hydrocarbons in some areas. Hydrogen sulfide is a s
a toxic, corrosive, colorless gas with the characteristic smell of rotten eggs in low concentration. An acid gas.
n: amine solution that has been stripped of absorbed acid gases, giving a solution suitable for recirculation to the contactor.
n: the amine leaving the bottom of the contactor. It is the lean amine plus the acid gases removed from the gas by the lean amine.