نمایش نتیجه 1 تا 8 از 8 نتیجه یافت شده برای OAP:
n: R-SO3-M (R is alkyl, M is cation),a kind of anionic surface active agent, mainly used as foaming agent of foam drilling fluid, for example alkane sulfonate.
n: an asphalt-base enamel applied as a coating to pipe that is to be buried. The asphalt is combined with finely ground mica, clay, soapstone, or talc and applied while hot. Combined with a subsequent wrapping, this coating protects the buried pipe from corrosion.
n: a kind of negative ion surfactant ,mainly used as emulsifier of invert emulsion mud
n: the grease that made of soap and calcium.
outer annulus pressure.
n: a translucent amber-colored to almost black brittle friable resin obtained by chemical means from oleoresin, the dead wood of pine trees, or from tall oil and used in making varnish, paper, and soap. It is also used as a soldering flux.
n: the sodium or potassium salt of a high-molecular-weight fatty acid. Commonly used in drilling fluids to improve lubrication, emulsification, sample size, and defoaming.
a foamer for removing water from a gas well, placed in the form of a solid stick.
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